Saturday, September 19, 2020

Entry #2 - The odd one in the family.

 Mulan, an unsatisfactory movie night with my family?

Hello, optimistic readers! 

On the blog of this week we're going to give a look and some feedback at the live-action Disney movie, Mulan. 

Some weeks ago, I got the opportunity to watch it, having got several expectations of it. Clarifying, I was already aware that the movie wasn't going to contain its known musicals and also without Mushu! Can you believe it? I got lots of feedback from my family about how displeasing the movie was for them to watch it. We ended up into the controversial dispute: Mulan 2020 movie remake versus Mulan 1998 original edition. 

Before the live-action movie remake was released, I did some research to know what to expect from this movie remake. Some of the research that gave more understatement about the movie was on the Cinemablend site. I found this Mulan blog that gave more references about the upcoming movie remake.

Regarding the upcoming changes in the movie, I did enjoy this movie remake. The graphics, the action, and the story that they told were very engaging. I'm not a person who likes action movies the most, but I have to say that the action presented in this particular movie got me engaged to the TV screen. Most of my family didn't like the result of the movie remake. They thought it wasn't any bit interesting. But like always, I'm the odd one in here! 

As I wrote before, I know almost nothing about action in movies, but I'm open to reading what you got to say. I also have questions, and I'm aiming to get some answers. For example, some of the questions I think the most are: 

  • Why are some people unhappy with the new Disney film?
  • Would it be better if they included the love story in the movie?
  • Was the location not the most indicated for the film?...

I would love to hear or read from you your "thoughts" and your "opinions" about this. After all, I help you, and YOU help me. 

Have a "marvelous week," and I'll read your' ll comments soon!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Entry#1-The Blog World


A Blog?

Well, first, I never thought I would be writing in one of them. Before, I would have never said that blogs were that useful or funny, to be honest. I never liked the idea of sharing what do you think about some theme or what you are doing. I never imagined that it would be this cool.

Blogs are a new way of sharing what you like and maybe relate to other people who enjoy the same things as you or are interested in your content.

Now, I have a new thought about Blogs. They’re a useful resource to go and share tastes and activities with more people.

I made myself busy this week. Looking through this blog world, I found lots of good content. One was my favorite in particular. As I said before, I love pictures. This blogger, Lucy, is a photographer, a mom, and she creates backdrops for photography usage! I was very impressed by her talent! 

So, you would be asking, what do you like about this blog?

Well, I personally just loved her photography. If we are talking about her content and ways of expressing herself. … It’s soo clean! I enjoyed how organized her blog is. Without a doubt, I can say that her talent is just irreplaceable. Her format is very catchy. I enjoyed looking through her photos and also reading her writing. 

Later on, I found another blog. This one, made by Benedict Evans, is a blog for educational purposes. He is a tech blogger and writes articles. The blog helps the ones who are struggling. The format of the blog isn’t the most engaging. It lacks resources to make it attractive to the public. It would be more enjoyable with more catchy pictures that would help students, and they would keep them entertained.

Regarding everything, I think that both of those blogs are amazing. I am not a professional here, so it’s just my opinion. I’d love to read what do you think about them. I will let the link to these blogs down here, so you can go and see by yourself.

Lucy's blog link: 

Benedict's blog link:

 What do YOU think about them.

Please have a wonderful day, night, or whenever you are all reading this!

Friday, September 4, 2020


Hello there!

Let me start by introducing myself. 

I'm Karla Valdizon, but you can call me Karla. I'm 19 years old, and I'm a current student in college. It's been two years now since I'm living in the U.S.  Before coming here, I was living in Ensenada city of the state of Baja California in Mexico. It's a cool place. You can do lots of things there, its very fun. I wish I had the time and money to do all those activities. I'll give you this page link where you can see lots of activities that you can see and do in Ensenada. life has been like a ride. I've had ups and downs, but here we are. I'm a shy person, very introverted, to be honest. 

Even though I'm introverted, I love to go outside sometimes. To clarify, I'm not a professional photographer, but I enjoy taking pictures of my view when going out. It is very relaxing for me to focus on my surroundings. It makes me feel like nothing else matters.

I like it when we go out because I can fill my bag with books and read all of them once we're there. It's soo relaxing.

 I also love taking photos like this. It amazes me how beautiful the sky is. So many colors, it's too beautiful.

Right now, I don't have lots of hobbies that I do, except for quarantined and start school. However, I'm looking forward to getting good grades and majoring in Business Administration. I'd love to become a successful business woman, and sometimes I dream a little bit too far, but I'd also love to be CEO of a successful company. 

I'm very different from everyone in my family. I always dream about reaching things far away from me. My family and friends are people who like to think "short." I don't. I love to think that I could have a pretty good future, even if it's hard to get it. I like to be like that. I guess that's what makes me unique from others.  

Well, this was a little bit of me. I hope you liked it, and I'll be looking forward to you coming back and have a little bit of fun here.
I'll read you all later, stay safe!!

Entry #10 - Don't Go!!!

 Let's learn to say goodbye! Yes, that feeling where you can't let go of those shoes that you worked too hard to get the money to bu...