Friday, September 11, 2020

Entry#1-The Blog World


A Blog?

Well, first, I never thought I would be writing in one of them. Before, I would have never said that blogs were that useful or funny, to be honest. I never liked the idea of sharing what do you think about some theme or what you are doing. I never imagined that it would be this cool.

Blogs are a new way of sharing what you like and maybe relate to other people who enjoy the same things as you or are interested in your content.

Now, I have a new thought about Blogs. They’re a useful resource to go and share tastes and activities with more people.

I made myself busy this week. Looking through this blog world, I found lots of good content. One was my favorite in particular. As I said before, I love pictures. This blogger, Lucy, is a photographer, a mom, and she creates backdrops for photography usage! I was very impressed by her talent! 

So, you would be asking, what do you like about this blog?

Well, I personally just loved her photography. If we are talking about her content and ways of expressing herself. … It’s soo clean! I enjoyed how organized her blog is. Without a doubt, I can say that her talent is just irreplaceable. Her format is very catchy. I enjoyed looking through her photos and also reading her writing. 

Later on, I found another blog. This one, made by Benedict Evans, is a blog for educational purposes. He is a tech blogger and writes articles. The blog helps the ones who are struggling. The format of the blog isn’t the most engaging. It lacks resources to make it attractive to the public. It would be more enjoyable with more catchy pictures that would help students, and they would keep them entertained.

Regarding everything, I think that both of those blogs are amazing. I am not a professional here, so it’s just my opinion. I’d love to read what do you think about them. I will let the link to these blogs down here, so you can go and see by yourself.

Lucy's blog link: 

Benedict's blog link:

 What do YOU think about them.

Please have a wonderful day, night, or whenever you are all reading this!


  1. Hi Karla! I didn't really care for blogs that much either before this. But now I think of them differently. Some are really interesting to read about and then some are boring. The blog you included, "Capture by Lucy" was very interesting to look and read about. The pictures she included really captured my attention. She's a good photographer for sure. I also liked your blog too, how you highlighted different phrases and words, and even the question you asked your audience also captured my attention too! Hope you are having a swell day!

  2. Hi Karla I never thought of blogging before either I just felt like you needed some real skill to talk about different things online. I am still not convinced that I have what it takes but since I am forced to learn something new I will give it my all. I have always loved photography and feel like the people who take these wonderful pictures are truely gifted. I did check out capture by lucy and was thinking wow if only I could set things up the way she does in those pictures I would be doing some great things.

  3. Hello Karla, I just wanted to start off by saying the way your blog is set up is eye catching!! I love the theme and the layout of this blog entry. Capture by Lucy grabbed my attention the second I opened the blog, she is sooo organized! Most importantly, the backdrops are amazing, including her pictures. Now the Benedict Evans blog is the complete opposite of Lucy's, the blog seems to be more formal. They are both good blogs, in my opinion Lucy's blog is more my style, and interesting. Thank you for sharing Karla!


Entry #10 - Don't Go!!!

 Let's learn to say goodbye! Yes, that feeling where you can't let go of those shoes that you worked too hard to get the money to bu...