Saturday, November 28, 2020

Entry #10 - Don't Go!!!

 Let's learn to say goodbye!

Yes, that feeling where you can't let go of those shoes that you worked too hard to get the money to buy, and that they no longer look amazing like the first time, but you can't let them go.

We go to that first point where we cannot share it because we know how much it took us to get it, and we try to take care of them as much as possible so that no scratch will ruin them, and it does not matter what object we buy, shoes, food, clothes, etc. . They all go through the same process. It's incredible how at the beginning, we look like Joy from Friends, not letting anyone touch what is ours; Am I wrong?

And what happens when someone gives you their opinion, saying that it is time to replace it? Ugh! They just dug their grave! Yes, you love that precious item so much that you call it a treasure, and you won't let anyone snatch it from your hands, right?

We all got to that point where we can't let go of something that SERIOUSLY needs to go. Not only because it doesn't work anymore, but because trying new things gives us more experiences. Is not like you only go through that feeling that something is bewildering just once in your life; that can happen with every other item you get. Every new thing you get is a whole new experience, and each one of them will be different from each other.

Let's say goodbye to the things that need to go and try new things occasionally to experience more. Go ahead and see if there are some old things in your closet that need to go! You may be keeping some without noticing! Let me know about your stories related to this topic. I want to read your stories!

 Stay safe!!

Entry #9 - Food and more food.

 Junk Food?

Once again, the subject of food runs through my mind these days, and it is not to brag, but each thought surpasses the other each time I start to think this.
When we talk about food, our mind usually puts millions of images in front of us that look delicious, and regardless of whether they are healthy or not, our mouths water, doesn't it?
Today, in general, it came to my mind wanting to know how much damage we do to our body every time we eat junk food. It's true, our busy lives restrict us from having time to go to a restaurant and look for the healthiest and best dish for our body, and we usually only eat whatever is quicker to get; no matter how much harm we do to ourselves.

Hanging around the internet, I came to find a blog that was too helpful as it answered a few of the questions that were circulating in my head. Within this blog comes a very accurate part. The author writes that "Everyone is least concerned about the health and the effects of eating junk food. Mostly teenagers are the persons which are facing the direct effect of the junk food." Thanks to this part, it was easy for me as a reader to realize how true it is. Normally we generalize all food as "food" without worrying or worrying that not all "food" is good for our health, not only physical but also mental. 
We certainly pay not too much attention to the danger we can cause to our bodies, or maybe we do, but the consequences that can be there are veery true.
The author writes that "Today’s lifestyle is so hard and busy that one gets very less time to make healthy food and take care of the body. Featuring some of the bad effects of consuming junk food are: The author writes that "Today’s lifestyle is so hard and busy that one gets very less time to make healthy food and take care of the body. Featuring some of the bad effects of consuming junk food are: May cause obesity,  Lowering insulin resistance and may cause Type-2 Diabetes, May increase depression, Increasing Addiction, Risks of Digestive Diseases."

As the author of "Effects of junk food on modern lifestyle" wrote, all of these effects can be caused by eating junk food. We should certainly take a little bit more of time and pay attention to what we eat.

I hope you have the time to go and see what bad habits you are having related to food and change them for something better! Take a look at the blog and write down your thoughts! Stay safe! 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Entry #8 - Huh! Okay?

 Well, that is not what I expected...

Once again, we are here with a new topic! Yes, expectations. Those images that arise in our minds every time we want something, and we imagine it in the best possible way. 
Imagination and expectation could lead us to unexplored places; yes, it could be the taste of some delicious dish you looked at in a menu photo or even imagining that something doesn't taste good, simply because of its appearance. You just look at it with a "What is this?" face.

How many times have we not rejected something simply because we did not like the way it looked? Those unpleasant flavors that we imagine when they put the plate in front of us, (that for your eyes looks the least tempting thing in the world,) turning around looking at everyone who is waiting for you to try it and waiting for you to like it. But the sad fact for them is your "I ain't eating that" face, Am I right?

What's even more surprising is when something you imagine that will taste terrible ends up being delicious. Even if your mind keeps fooling you and saying that it shouldn't taste good, your taste buds will never lie when answering you with a, "Are you kidding me? That tastes great!." I know, I know, your pride is the one that will end up hurt once you try it, and at the end, you'll have to cover it with, "meh, it wasn't thaaat bad," am I wrong?

As much as you deny it, no matter what, there will be a "huh?" moment, in which not only your taste buds will be surprised, and it will give you that unpredicted feeling in your body once you know the veracious taste of something. Don't you think?
Let me know about your experiences, Has the "huh?" moment happened to you too? I want to know your stories.
Stay safe!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Entry #7 - Fresh

 Food, food, and more food...

Have you ever thought about the food you eat or Where it comes from?

Yeah! It's like when you're eating breakfast and start reading the cereal box's information while putting the spoon into your mouth. 

Sometimes I cannot stop myself from thinking about how does the ham, veggies, and sausages are processed. 

Some days ago, I had an assignment in my English class. I watched a film called Fresh, and it honestly gave me a lot to think about it. I believe that the purpose of that film is to help people to know about the products that they bought daily. This film is for everyone. How many times do little kids ask where did the food come from.

Food is a very crucial part of my life, as it is for many of you. One of the things that surprised me the most about this film is the big difference in which animals grow and get feed. One of the things that I liked to hear in this film is that on a farm, farmers are not producing animals, but preferably producing the grass since grass is the best quality food that farmers can give to cows and herbivores.

I think it is prime for Americans to know about what they are consuming. Why? Well, let me tell you this. I know sometimes it is not the best feeling to find out how that food came to your plate, but there have been times where diseases are in circumstances where people were careless and use things that could be harmful to the customers. Some want to increase their production as fast they can so they can sell. Some of these decisions bring consequences to customers who consume these products. People don't know about these things, and they buy those products, which causes those diseases to grow and expand.  

I think that this film matters a lot because it gives more information to its audience, information that is needed. Americans should be more aware of these kinds of issues regarding the food we eat since it is a crucial part of our lives! 
Just as this film helped me see things in a new way, I know a lot of you have seen some like this one. I think this is a matter that we should care about more. I would like to know what do YOU think about this theme? What are your thoughts about the food you are eating right now?

Let me know in your comments what kind of films like this one you have seen?  Did they help you to understand more about the matter of food? What surprised you the most in the film? 

Hope you have a wonderful week! Stay safe....

Entry #10 - Don't Go!!!

 Let's learn to say goodbye! Yes, that feeling where you can't let go of those shoes that you worked too hard to get the money to bu...