Sunday, October 11, 2020

Entry #3 - A refreshing trip to the Everest.

Have you ever have a moment where you feel like you shouldn't even open your mouth?

 That awkward moment when you realize your smelly breath!

I've had it too. The memory of having that disgusting taste in my mouth haunts me every time I finish a meal. Thousands of times, I tried to find the perfect ally or something that will help me forget and erase that bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to find something that would give that "Hallelujah" moment where I'd feel like I've got the answers of the whole universe.

After many tries, the day finally came! I was in a conventional store looking for some snacks, and I saw it! That small metallic box was calling me. It was like it was telling me, "I'm the answer to all your problems; come to me, buy me!" Guess what? I bought it.
I was nervous; the click-clack of the little box was keeping me desirous. By the sound that the pack was making, I could determine that the content was small, but I was curious to know if this would work. While I was discarding the protecting plastic out of the packet, just one thought came to my mind, would this be "the one"?
Opening the little pack, I saw them. Would those little things help me? I thought. 
I came closer to them, and then it hit me! I didn't even put them on my mouth yet, and WOAH! Just the air mixed with the smell felt like hundreds of snowballs were thrown at my face!
I couldn't hold it anymore and put some of these in my mouth. Oh my gosh! It felt incredibly refreshing! The way it kept dissolving in my mouth was astonishing. Every time it dissolved, the flavor explosion continued! I sighed, and as the air entered my mouth, it felt like going into a pool filled with ice. It was soo cool! The way it melted in my mouth left a memorable taste in it. 

After I finished it, I could still feel that cold and refreshing sensation in my mouth.
I remember an idea coming to my mind at that moment. What'd happen if I drink water now? I thought. While the bottle of water was getting closer, my mind was anxiously waiting for the experience. Holy Moses!!!! Have you ever skied down Everest? No? Well, me neither, but I could swear that's how it felt!! I felt like I could answer every conspiration of the universe!
It was like coming down from the highest point of the Everest while drinking a glass of Sprite with ice. I even felt how the fresh and chilly air started to blow right in my face. You know, like those actresses in the movies that ride their sports car with their hair in the wind. 

That was one of the coolest experiences I've had!

Have you ever had this kind of experiences? I would like to read about yours!! Let me know what do you think about mine. Stay safe and have a good week! I'll read you later!


  1. First I just wanna say wow! This was an amazing post. From the word choice, to the way you used your descriptive writing, to the addition of pictures in an assignment where I had a hard time finding a way to use pictures. Everything is just really well done. I especially like the level of personality in your writing, it kept it engaging and personal all the way through. Keep up the amazing work!

  2. This was my favorite episode of SpongeBob! I really liked how descriptive you are in your writing, I thought it was very creative and fun to read. You did a great job of the show don't tell while using the example of the sensation being like Everest.


Entry #10 - Don't Go!!!

 Let's learn to say goodbye! Yes, that feeling where you can't let go of those shoes that you worked too hard to get the money to bu...