Saturday, October 24, 2020
Entry #6 - I'll do it next year... I promise!
Friday, October 23, 2020
Entry #5 - Mayhem is everywhere!
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Entry #4 - Late, Late, Late!
Heavenly fate? Nah!
Have you ever been late for school?
For me, it was rare the day I came late for school, but it happened to me. I don't know exactly why, but I've experimented with some peculiar events when late coming to school. The most irritating one was time. I am a very anxious person when being late for something and even more if it's for school.
I always try to set a time to be off my house to get to school. Of course, it is like an hour before school starts! I try to prepare everything for any unexpected event, but sometimes it feels like heaven hates me! It happens to me that when I try to be off at a good time, I got to school way too early, TOO EARLY. Seriously, not even the teachers were there yet!
After one time I went through this, I decided to be off right on time, not too early. What could be wrong? Right? I thought.
Doesn't it happen to you that on the days you try to go early, no incident happens? But when you decide to leave right on time, everything happens ?!
When being way too early, you even try to walk at the slowest pace with the hope of not being there way too fast, but still, you end up being there before time. When you're late, in another way, no matter how hard you try, you even try to run the fastest way possible; but nothing happens! It feels like someone put some weights on your ankles! And yes, you get there late!
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Entry #3 - A refreshing trip to the Everest.
Have you ever have a moment where you feel like you shouldn't even open your mouth?
That awkward moment when you realize your smelly breath!
Entry #10 - Don't Go!!!
Let's learn to say goodbye! Yes, that feeling where you can't let go of those shoes that you worked too hard to get the money to bu...