Saturday, October 24, 2020

Entry #6 - I'll do it next year... I promise!

 New Years' Resolutions...

Are you familiar with it?
Yeah, I know, those things you say you'll do at the beginning of the year but ended up postponing them "for the next year."
Let's face it. We all expect our year to be the greatest, but one way or another, something must ruin it. Right?

You know, the problem with new years' resolutions is that we put our expectations way too high! We expect to lose 90 pounds in four months by drinking soda and eating McDonald's?! 
No, but seriously, we all got to a moment on new years' eve when you know you have to repeat the whole "new year, new me thing" again. Tiring, right? 
Twelve grapes and twelve wishes. It's funny how hurriedly we try to eat them all at once to have the time to make all of our desires. We have the typical single aunt wishing for a boyfriend this year, that we all know it surprisingly happens! The ones asking for an abundant life full of richness? Or those awkward moments where you aunts start to ask about your love life? Yeah, not the best feeling, huh?

Throughout my short life, I have noticed how madly we want to achieve those goals; the only problem is that it is not the unwanted events that restring us from accomplishing them, but ourselves.
I believe we all can reach each one of those wishes step by step, and stop saying we will do them next year. Do not pressure yourself to do them all at once but one by one.

I know you've been through something similar too. Tell me, what kind of aunts are yours? Do they also ask about your love life? 

Write down your stories; I would love to read them. I'll read you next time, stay safe!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Entry #5 - Mayhem is everywhere!

Beyond, "Buy the product"?

Have you ever seen an ad about Allstate? 

Let me tell you something. I got shocked once I saw one!
From the images to the message, the whole ad leaves you speechless. I saw the one called: "Mayhem: Bag of Fast Food." Once I saw it and analyzed it carefully, I concluded that the author of this ad wants to express the experience of feeling protected no matter what to the ones watching the ad. 
As an insurance company, the principal purpose of it is to make people feel safe with them, Right? In this ad, the author gave examples of how a man got harmed terribly.  Over and over and over again!! Being honest, this got a big laugh out of me. The poor man got thrown out of the car literally like a "bag full of fast food trash."

Thanks to the presentation of different scenarios where one can get hurt, I think that this ad targets its audience pretty well. It shows how this man got into many accidents; however, he did not get injured. Why? Because of his insurance! It might be funny for the audience to watch these absurd "accidents," but each scenario presented in the ad shows how no matter the kind of incident you could've had, they are going to help you. No matter how badly your accident is, they'll keep you protected from mayhem like the man in the video!

I think that more than showing these scenes and the message, it is pretty good how they manage to apply something that is considered funny as something that happens in real life, and it makes it a clear example of how it works. Their creativity put them in a very high position. I think that their creativity brought some pretty good sales to their company. 

After some laughs, I'd say that this kind of ad is pretty funny, but it shows pretty well what they are selling, and they promoted it amazingly!

Have you seen any ad like this one? let me know what you think about them!
I'll read you later, stay safe!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Entry #4 - Late, Late, Late!

 Heavenly fate? Nah!

Have you ever been late for school?

For me, it was rare the day I came late for school, but it happened to me. I don't know exactly why, but I've experimented with some peculiar events when late coming to school. The most irritating one was time. I am a very anxious person when being late for something and even more if it's for school.

I always try to set a time to be off my house to get to school. Of course, it is like an hour before school starts! I try to prepare everything for any unexpected event, but sometimes it feels like heaven hates me! It happens to me that when I try to be off at a good time, I got to school way too early, TOO EARLY. Seriously, not even the teachers were there yet!

After one time I went through this, I decided to be off right on time, not too early. What could be wrong? Right? I thought.


Doesn't it happen to you that on the days you try to go early, no incident happens? But when you decide to leave right on time, everything happens ?!

When being way too early, you even try to walk at the slowest pace with the hope of not being there way too fast, but still, you end up being there before time. When you're late, in another way, no matter how hard you try, you even try to run the fastest way possible; but nothing happens! It feels like someone put some weights on your ankles! And yes, you get there late! 

These are unfortunate things that happened, but at least now I laugh about it. Tell me, have you been through something like this? I want to know your stories! 

I'll read you next time. Stay safe!!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Entry #3 - A refreshing trip to the Everest.

Have you ever have a moment where you feel like you shouldn't even open your mouth?

 That awkward moment when you realize your smelly breath!

I've had it too. The memory of having that disgusting taste in my mouth haunts me every time I finish a meal. Thousands of times, I tried to find the perfect ally or something that will help me forget and erase that bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to find something that would give that "Hallelujah" moment where I'd feel like I've got the answers of the whole universe.

After many tries, the day finally came! I was in a conventional store looking for some snacks, and I saw it! That small metallic box was calling me. It was like it was telling me, "I'm the answer to all your problems; come to me, buy me!" Guess what? I bought it.
I was nervous; the click-clack of the little box was keeping me desirous. By the sound that the pack was making, I could determine that the content was small, but I was curious to know if this would work. While I was discarding the protecting plastic out of the packet, just one thought came to my mind, would this be "the one"?
Opening the little pack, I saw them. Would those little things help me? I thought. 
I came closer to them, and then it hit me! I didn't even put them on my mouth yet, and WOAH! Just the air mixed with the smell felt like hundreds of snowballs were thrown at my face!
I couldn't hold it anymore and put some of these in my mouth. Oh my gosh! It felt incredibly refreshing! The way it kept dissolving in my mouth was astonishing. Every time it dissolved, the flavor explosion continued! I sighed, and as the air entered my mouth, it felt like going into a pool filled with ice. It was soo cool! The way it melted in my mouth left a memorable taste in it. 

After I finished it, I could still feel that cold and refreshing sensation in my mouth.
I remember an idea coming to my mind at that moment. What'd happen if I drink water now? I thought. While the bottle of water was getting closer, my mind was anxiously waiting for the experience. Holy Moses!!!! Have you ever skied down Everest? No? Well, me neither, but I could swear that's how it felt!! I felt like I could answer every conspiration of the universe!
It was like coming down from the highest point of the Everest while drinking a glass of Sprite with ice. I even felt how the fresh and chilly air started to blow right in my face. You know, like those actresses in the movies that ride their sports car with their hair in the wind. 

That was one of the coolest experiences I've had!

Have you ever had this kind of experiences? I would like to read about yours!! Let me know what do you think about mine. Stay safe and have a good week! I'll read you later!

Entry #10 - Don't Go!!!

 Let's learn to say goodbye! Yes, that feeling where you can't let go of those shoes that you worked too hard to get the money to bu...